Friday, March 30, 2018

More on the Mellaart forgery accusation

IT'S COMPLICATED: Researcher Makes Controversial Allegation of Archaeological Fraud at Renowned Turkish Site. Eberhard Zangger alleges that the prominent British archaeologist James Mellaart forged artifacts. The accusations are difficult to evaluate (Lydia Pyne, Hyperallergic).
Zangger claimed that, in a note found after his death, Mellaart encouraged colleagues to publish these translations and artifacts after his death — and said that anyone following through with Mellaart’s request was being duped and perpetrating archaeological fraud. “I feel abused,” Zangger told LiveScience. He said that Mellaart “had no scruples when it came to harming other people’s careers.”

These accusations are difficult to evaluate. Mellaart died in 2012, and Zangger, whose allegations have not appeared in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, is cited as the only source in the story. Zangger did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but in a statement sent to Hyperallergic after publication, he said, “Publishing a peer reviewed article on this might have taken years, if a journal is at all willing to cover the subject.”
This article has some new information on the case. The accusations remain to be verified, if they can be.

Background linking to the Live Science article that broke the story is here.

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