Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Bible Places top 10 lists

THE BIBLE PLACES BLOG: Top 10 Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology in 2021 (Todd Bolen).
This top 10 list is my own, reflecting what I judge to be of greatest interest for biblical archaeology and history. I tend to attach greater significance to stories more closely related to the biblical lands and biblical time periods. Following the top 10, I have included several lists of noteworthy stories from Jerusalem, Israel, and elsewhere.

In addition, I’ve compiled lists of the top stories related to tourism, notable resources of 2021, and a review of some we lost this year. A final section provides links to other top 10 lists of 2021. I am of course greatly indebted to many, including the archaeologists who made the discoveries, the journalists who reported them, and many friends who sent links. In terms of archaeological discoveries, 2021 was a very good year.

This is an excellent array of lists.

For other 2021 top-ten archaeology lists, see here and here. At both posts I have linked to PaleoJudaica posts on many of the same stories.

Visit PaleoJudaica daily for the latest news on ancient Judaism and the biblical world.