Thursday, June 23, 2022

Online Event: John the Baptist and the Mandaeans

RELIGION PROF: John the Baptist and the Mandaeans (James McGrath).
For anyone interested in getting a glimpse of some of the exciting insights and groundbreaking new perspectives I’ve already come up with in the early stages of my research project focused on John the Baptist, I’m the keynote speaker at the Apostolic Johannite Church Conclave this weekend. My talk is titled “John the Baptist and the Mandaeans” and presents for a general audience some of what I consider the most interesting discoveries I’ve made thus far. ...
Cross-file under Mandean (Mandaean) Watch.

For more on Professor McGrath's work on John the Baptist, see the links collected here. Likewise, some posts noting his work on the Mandaeans, with some overlap with the preceding, are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

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