
Sunday, May 02, 2004

TYNDALE HOUSE (the American publisher) is publishing two books debunking The Da Vinci Code, although some of their publications have their own credibility issues:
US publishing giants locked in holy row over religion (The Scotsman)


AMERICA�S two bestselling religious publishing houses are going head to head in a battle for hearts, minds and souls of the country�s 100 million believers.

Tyndale House, the publisher of the hugely successful Left Behind series of books co-written by Tim LaHaye, a founder of the Moral Majority, is to release two new tomes debunking The Da Vinci Code, which has topped the US book charts for 56 weeks and sold 7.2 million copies.

The religious right has gone on the attack against The Da Vinci Code, published by Doubleday, which has chipped away at fundamental beliefs with claims Christianity was founded on a cover up.


Tyndale House itself came under fire from critics who say its Left Behind books, which have sold more than 60 million copies, promote dangerous and unbiblical beliefs with descriptions of an event called the Rapture, when Christ returns to Earth to take true believers to heaven.

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