
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

ASSIMILATED TO THE BLOGOSPHERE: Philip Harland, assistant professor at Concordia University, has started a blog on Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. In his first entry he writes:
This blog on the religions of the Roman empire and the social history of Christianity serves two main purposes. On the one hand, it will provide an opportunity for me to share interesting (to me and hopefully to you) things I encounter in my research (I am an assistant professor in the Religion department at Concordia University in Montreal). My own interests focus on archeological and epigraphic (inscriptions) evidence for small groups or associations in the Roman empire and on comparing groups of various kinds (Jewish, Christian, and "pagan") from a social historical perspective. More recently I have also focused attention on the intersection of travel and religion in antiquity (e.g. pilgrimage, ethnography, immigrant groups). On the other hand, this blog will offer a venue for interactions with students on topics addressed in my courses, which include courses not only on ancient religions but also on the history of Christianity generally.

Welcome Philip!

Another promising unit has been absorbed into the biblioblogosphere.

UPDATE: Yet another unit assimilated.

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