
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Renovated Jewish Museum opens in Rome

By Daniel Mosseri in Rome Updated: 23/Nov/2005 18:24
(European Jewish Press)

The Jewish Community of Rome inaugurated its new Jewish Museum on Tuesday starting with a very well-attended ceremony in Rome's main synagogue.

While the public crowded onto both floors of the building, a number of Italian personalities, from the Mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni to the Italian Minister for cultural heritage Rocco Buttiglione, took part in the event.

Leone Paserman, chairman of the Jewish Community, opened the ceremony by thanking Mayor Veltroni for the "important contribution" that has enabled the renovation of the old museum.

The new 600 square metre premises host a large Gallery of Antique Marbles.


I don't know how much in the museum is ancient by PaleoJudaica's standards, but it sounds like an interesting collection

UPDATE: This article has more:
New museum spotlights Jewish Rome

(ANSA) - Rome, November 22 - Rome's Jewish community, the oldest in Europe, on Tuesday opened a museum to document its long and eventful history .

The 600-square-metre exhibition space is under the city's synagogue, near the river Tiber and close to the heart of the area which was once the capital's Jewish ghetto .

It contains a collection of rare manuscripts, gold and silverware, old robes and fabrics, which illustrate in various ways the stages of the community's 2,200-year life. "If you really want to know Rome you have to have visited the Jewish Museum," said director Daniela Di Castro, adding that its contents touched on history, archaeology, art history, religion and folklore .


Among its oldest exhibits are its mediaeval manuscripts. Other prized items include silverware from the early 17th century, 15th-century velvet cloths and 17th century cloaks given by the Queen of Sweden .


They're also asking people to help recover Jewish books etc. pillaged by the Nazis.

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