
Thursday, November 24, 2005

POPULAR CULTURE WATCH: This The Three Wise Men animated DVD sounds pretty lame, but it's interesting that one of the human bad guys is named "Belial." This is the name for the Devil in the Dead Sea Scrolls, so it seems that the name and something of its connotations has penetrated the popular consciousness.
Jimmy is a troubled little boy who doesn't believe in Christmas anymore after not receiving a gift. But even though Christmas Day is drawing to a close, his friend Alfredo the shopkeeper knows a way to teach the boy about the spirit of the holiday. He tells him a story about three wise men - Melchor, Baltasar, and Gaspar – who have gone out in search of a treasure. They are helped by Sarah, a rebel warrior. But Herod, the wicked King of Judea, and his second-in-command Belial want the treasure to prove that Herod is the true king.

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