
Monday, August 27, 2007

THE ONLINE SBL PROGRAM BOOK (3): Hellenistic Judaism.
Hellenistic Judaism
. Earlier posts here and here.
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Edward D - GH

Theme: Philosophy and Wisdom in Hellenistic Judaism

Allen Kerkeslager, Saint Joseph's University, Presiding
George H. van Kooten, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Man as the Image of God in Hellenistic Judaism (20 min)
Matthew E. Gordley, Regent University
Didactic Hymnody and the Wisdom of Solomon (20 min)
Discussion (15 min)
Break (10 min)
Steve Young, McHenry County College
Marketing Martyrdom: De/Colonizing Philosophy as Faith in 4th Maccabees (20 min)
Erin Roberts, Brown University
Philo, Wealth, and Stoic Ethics (20 min)
Philippa Townsend, Princeton University
Being Jewish Under Rome: Philo on Greeks and Egyptians (20 min)
Discussion (25 min)

Hellenistic Judaism

Joint Session With: Josephus, Hellenistic Judaism
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Point Loma - MM

Theme: Josephus

Tessa Rajak, University of Reading, Presiding
Fabian Eugene Udoh, University of Notre Dame
Joseph as a Prototype of the Enslaved: Philo (De Iosepho) and Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews 2.39-90) (20 min)
Jason von Ehrenkrook, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Statues, Space, and the Poetics of Idolatry in Josephus' "Jewish War" (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Kenneth R. Atkinson, University of Northern Iowa
Queen Salome Alexandra’s Neglected Contributions to Hellenistic Judaism (20 min)
Jan W. van Henten, University of Amsterdam
Herod as Tyrant: Assessing Josephus’ Parallel Passages (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Business Meeting (20 min)

Everyone is invited to the business meeting at the end of the session to discuss future directions for the Hellenistic Judaism Section.

Hellenistic Judaism

Joint Session With: Hellenistic Judaism, Pseudepigrapha
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Edward D - GH

Theme: Exemplarity and Perfection in Hellenistic Judaism

Erich Gruen, University of California-Berkeley, Presiding
Annette Yoshiko Reed, McMaster University
The Construction and Subversion of Patriarchal Perfection (20 min)
Andrei Orlov, Marquette University
Enoch and the Anthropos: Restoration of the Glory of Adam in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (20 min)
William Adler, North Carolina State University
Exemplary figures in the "Palaea Historica" (20 min)
Discussion (25 min)
Break (5 min)
Hindy Najman, University of Toronto
Education and Transformation in 4 Ezra (20 min)
Benjamin G. Wright III, Lehigh University
Ben Sira on the Sage as Exemplar (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)