
Saturday, August 25, 2007

THE SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE PROGRAM BOOK for November's meeting in San Diego is now available online, as a number of other bloggers have already noted. I have a paper in the Qumran section:

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Betsy A - GH

Theme: Methods and Theories in the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Martin G. Abegg, Trinity Western University, Presiding
James R. Davila, University of St. Andrews-Scotland
Counterfactual History and Other New Methodologies (25 min)
Jonathan Klawans, Boston University
The Study of Qumran Doctrines: Methodological Reflections (25 min)
Maxine L. Grossman, University of Maryland College Park
Gendered Sectarians: Some Methodological Thoughts on Gender and the Dead Sea Scrolls (25 min)
Eyal Regev, Bar-Ilan University
Sectarianism In Qumran: A Comparative Approach (25 min)
Ross Kraemer, Brown University, Respondent (15 min)
Discussion (35 min)
There are three other Qumran sections lined up:

1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Betsy C - GH

Theme: Qumran Texts and Contexts
Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University, Presiding
Steve Delamarter, George Fox University
Refining Sociological Models for Understanding Scribal Practices in the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls (30 min)
Eibert Tigchelaar, Florida State University
Reading the Wiles of the Wicked Woman (4Q184 1) in Its Manuscript Context (30 min)
Alison Schofield, University of Denver
“From the Wilderness to a Door of Hope”: Thematic (Re)conceptualization of the Wilderness in Liturgical Texts (4QBarkiNapshi and 4QWords of the Luminaries) (30 min)
Steven D. Fraade, Yale University
Qumran Yahad and Rabbinc Havurah: A Comparison Reconsidered (30 min)
Vered Noam, Tel Aviv University
Ancient Halakhic Homilies in the Writings of the Qumran Sect and of the Tannaim (30 min)


4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Salon A - MM

Theme: The Dead Sea Scrolls at Sixty: The San Diego Natural History Museum Exhibition

Esther Chazon, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Presiding (15 min)
Moshe J. Bernstein, Yeshiva University
Three Ways of Interpreting the Bible at Qumran (35 min)
James C. VanderKam, University of Notre Dame
In Those Days (35 min)
Carol Newsom, Emory University
Communion with the Angels at Qumran (35 min)


9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Ford C - GH

Eileen Schuller, McMaster University, Presiding
Armin Lange, University of Vienna
In the Second Degree (30 min)
Bennie H. Reynolds III, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
4QApocryphon of Jeremiah C and the Problem of Genre (30 min)
Albert Hogeterp, Catholic University of Leuven
Resurrection and Biblical Tradition: The Relation between the Pseudo-Ezekiel Fragments and Ezekiel 37 Reconsidered (30 min)
Hanne von Weissenberg, University of Manchester
The Centrality of the Temple in 4QMMT (30 min)
Stephane Saulnier, University of Notre Dame
X and Duqah in Some Calendrical Scrolls: Are We any Closer to an Identification? (30 min)
Plus there's this thematic Matthew session:

9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: Emma BC - GH

Theme: Matthew and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Celebrating 60 years of Research

Lidija Novakovic, Bethel University, Presiding
James H. Charlesworth, Princeton Theological Seminary
How Important are the Dead Sea Scrolls for Understanding Matthew? (15 min)
Anthony Le Donne, Durham University
Messianic Duality in Matthew and the Dead Sea Scrolls (15 min)
George J. Brooke, University of Manchester
Matthew’s Use of Scripture in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (15 min)
Craig A. Evans, Acadia Divinity College
Fulfilling the Law and Seeking Righteousness in Matthew and the Dead Sea Scrolls (15 min)
John Kampen, Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Jesus, Wisdom, and Matthew’s Place Within Judaism (15 min)
Break (5 min)
Panel Response
Discussion (70 min)
And, of course, the Dead Sea Scrolls figure in many papers in many other sessions as well.

I'll post the schedules for some other sections of interest as I find the time and the inclination.

UPDATE (26 August): More here (Pseudepigrapha-related sessions). Also, I've added the session numbers to the session listings above.

UPDATE (27 August): More here (Hellenistic Judaism).