
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

APOCRYPHA WATCH: The Apocrypha is quoted in a Malta travel advert:
Visit Malta and experience the Mediterranean’s first Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms at the Fortina Spa Resort. Be pampered in the Fortina Spa, dine in the Fortina's award winning restaurants and have the chance to explore Valletta and Medina.

The Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms are equipped with the latest sleep, wellbeing and fitness equipment including your personal Power Plate. At the Fortina you can experience all the fun and luxury of an All Inclusive holiday, in a stunning location and treat your body to the healthy indulgence it’s been craving.

“There are no riches above a sound body” said the Apocrypha, Ecclesiastics 30:16S.
Pretty close. The name of the book is actually Ecclessiasticus (or Sirach or Ben Sira). But I give them points for giving the full reference (even though I don't know what the "S" means).