
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

DOCTORAL DEMOGRAPHICS at the Hebrew University:
Koreans dominate in Bible studies at Hebrew U.
By Ofri Ilani (Haaretz)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded 328 doctoral degrees this year, in a ceremony which took place last week. Hundreds of new scientists completed doctorates in molecular biology, biochemistry, computer sciences, and other fields which have been popular in recent years. But the Bible Department, which is one of the university's finest departments, awarded only six new doctorates.

Like many other humanities disciplines in Israel, biblical research has suffered from a steady decline in popularity, and few students seek advanced degrees in that field. Among the six students who did receive a doctorate, two are Israeli, one is American, and three are Koreans, who have become the dominant group among the department's graduates this year.

Young Sik Cho wrote a doctorate about "concepts of wealth in the Book of Proverbs." Yun Ho Chong examined the "factors which created a negative stance toward the Golden Calf cult in the Bible." Song-Yun Shin investigated the "language of Hagai-Zecharia-Malachi and its place in the history of the Hebrew Bible." In addition to them, Song Dal Quan completed a doctorate in the Hebrew Language Department which pertained to "use of 'haya (to be)' syntax in biblical language."

Good for them. They're doing some interesting work.