
Monday, February 23, 2009

A DAY CONFERENCE on the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls is being held at KCL in May:
The Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Day Conference at King's College London (Strand Campus)

Thursday 14th May 2009


10.15: Registration (Council Room, directions from Strand Campus Lobby)

10.30-12.00: Discussion of pre-circulated extracts from Michael Knibb, Professor Emeritus, King's College London, Essays on the Book of Enoch and Other Early Jewish Texts and Traditions, Brill, 2009.

12.00-12.45: Lunch

12.45-2.00: Charlotte Hempel, University of Birmingham, 'The Teaching on the Two Spirits and the Literary History of the Community Rule'.

2.00-3.15: Lutz Doering, King's College London, 'Letter, Treatise or Historicising Document? Revisiting the Genre of 4QMMT'

3.15-3.30: Tea

3.30-5.00: Short papers by Graduates and recent PhDs.*

5.00-5.30: Reception

5.30-7.00: Simon Tanner, Computing and the Humanities, King's College London, 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Digitalization project'.

*To offer a 20 minute paper (plus 10 minutes feedback and discussion) on a theme related to the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, please complete and return the form at the link below by 15th March 2009 and attach a (roughly) 300 word proposal. Presenters must be registered at the conference.

To register for the conference, please complete the form at the link below, by 15th March to propose a Graduate paper and by 1st May to register, and send it, along with a cheque for £15 payable to King's College London, to:

Ariane Dreysse
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
King's College London
Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Questions? E-mail
(Via the SOTS List.)