
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Dead Sea is finalist in New 7Wonders of World contest

THE DEAD SEA is in the running for status as one of the Seven Wonders of Nature:
Tourism Ministry Seeks ‘Floating Voters’ for Dead Sea Contest

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Arutz Sheva)

The Dead Sea is great for floaters, but no floating voters are allowed, say tourism officials, who want your vote to make the “lowest point on Earth” officially one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World.”

As part of its global marketing effort to promote the Dead Sea as a unique tourist destination and as a finalist in the New7Wonders of Nature online campaign, the ministry has launched a dedicated multi-lingual Dead Sea website. It also has posted a social media campaign to include Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

I know the first paragraph says Seven Wonders of the World, but that was a contest for human-made monuments and that contest is already over. The Dead Sea is a finalist in the New 7Wonders of Nature contest, the voting for which is set for 2011. The actual Dead Sea site linked to above refers to the correct contest.