
Friday, August 13, 2010

Tomb Planters?

TOMB PLANTERS? There are reports that hundreds of fake Muslim graves have been planted at the Mamilla cemetery (the one being excavated to make room for the Jerusalem Museum of Tolerance).
Exclusive: Arabs Faking Graves to Grab Jerusalem Land

by Gil Ronen, Chezki Ezra and Shimon Cohen (Arutz Sheva)

In the heart of Jerusalem, dozens of new tombs are being added to an ancient cemetery, but no one is buried beneath them. Jewish observers and sources in the Jerusalem Municipality say the pretend-graves are simply a Muslim project for grabbing land.

The Mamilla Cemetery is located on the outskirts of Jerusalem's Independence Park (Gan HaAtzmaut), between Agron and Hillel Streets. It is an ancient Muslim cemetery containing several dozen graves, which has been in a state of severe disrepair for more than a century, despite being under the supervision of the Muslim Waqf.

There's video too.
300 Fake Tombstones Removed So Far at Jerusalem Muslim Cemetery

by Gil Ronen (Arutz Sheva)

The Jerusalem Municipality has thus far removed 300 false tombstones that were built in the course of the past few weeks at the Mamilla Muslim cemetery in central Jerusalem. The tombs were built by Muslim elements who took advantage of the fact that the Jerusalem Municipality's Health Department granted them a permit to clean up and fix existing tombstones. Instead of just cleaning graves, however, the Muslims hired workers to try and grab land from the adjoining Independence Park (Gan HaAtzmaut).

The AFP also notes the story, and denials from Muslim sources, here. If these were real graves, that ought to be pretty easy to establish. Let's see some old photos of the area which have them there.