
Monday, November 08, 2010

Ph.D. scholarships in Divinity at University of St. Andrews

PH.D. SCHOLARSHIPS in Divinity at the University of St. Andrews:
*PhD Scholarships in Divinity for 2011 Session*

The School of Divinity is delighted to be offering the following PhD Scholarships once again for applicants intending to commence in the 2011-12 academic session:

* The Matthew Black Scholarship: for a student working in the field
of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible;
* The Donald M. Baillie Scholarship: for a student working in the
field of Theology;
* The Richard Bauckham Scholarship: for a student working in the
field of New Testament Studies;
* The Emanuel Tov Scholarship: for a student working in the field of
Text Criticism in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible;
* The Queen Margaret of Scotland Scholarship: for a student working
in any field of Divinity;
* The Lady Kenmure Scholarship: for a student working in any field
of Divinity.

Each scholarship covers tuition fees for a UK or EU student, or a contribution of around £3500 per annum towards overseas tuition fees for a student from outside the EU.

An additional stipend of £3000 per annum (£1000 in the case of the Emanuel Tov scholarship) will be offered to each recipient for three years. The Matthew Black scholar will engage in Hebrew language teaching in years 2 and 3 of his/her residency, the Richard Bauckham scholar in equivalent teaching of Greek. The Donald M. Baillie scholar will contribute similarly to the School’s undergraduate teaching programme in Theology. The Queen Margaret and Lady Kenmure scholars will undertake equivalent teaching and/or research assistance work as invited by the Head of School. The Tov scholar will be supervised by Professor Kristin De Troyer, and will provide research assistance to her.

The successful candidates will join a rapidly expanding School of Divinity postgraduate programme. No separate application process for the scholarships is required. All applications for doctoral studies will automatically be considered, and awards will be made on merit. Further information is available from Ms Margot Clement, Postgraduate Secretary