
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (256 vols.), free!

Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (256 vols.)



The Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (256 vols.) is a collection of rare ancient manuscripts. These documents were written on various forms of writing material including papyri, ostraca, and wood tablets. This collection is solely compiled of documentary papyri: personal letters, receipts, various political documents, and other correspondence.

Best of all, this entire collection is free. There’s no catch. No strings attached.

It’s rare that ancient works like these are made available for free to as many people who want them. It’s even more amazing when you consider that these aren’t just PDFs or text files. They’re Logos books, and they take advantage of many of the features and tools built into Logos Bible Software. So it’s hard to put into words how phenomenal this opportunity really is.

Please note that this collection requires the latest version of Logos Bible Software 4.3.