
Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Haaretz and the Temple Institute

Messianic sect allows peek into battle to build third Temple

Messianic right-wing activists offer Haaretz a rare glimpse into efforts to Judaize the Temple Mount - including with a flood of lawsuits.

By Oz Rosenberg | Jul.03, 2012 | 4:16 AM |
The headline to this long, rambling article is misleading on a couple of counts. First of all, to my mind the Temple Mount is already kind of Judaized, it being the site of the Jewish Temple and all. The article uses this language too (some comments on which are here and links) and it isn't particularly helpful for sorting out what is actually going on. And, although it is correct that the long-term goal of the groups in question is to rebuild the Temple (when the Messiah comes), the current issue under discussion is lobbying for the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.

My own view, for what it's worth, is that people should be allowed to pray—peaceably and respectfully—pretty much wherever they want, and if other people don't like it, too bad. If the people who don't like other people praying at a shared holy site want to riot about it, the authorities should deal with the rioters as harshly as becomes necessary to maintain order.

As for the proposed rebuilding of the Temple, I am not a fan of the idea and it is obviously politically impossible for the foreseeable future. Beyond that, any excavation or construction on the Temple Mount should, first, respect and preserve all existing architecture on the site, along with its normal uses. Second, such excavation should be done only under scientifically controlled conditions under the supervision of archaeologists. But I would prefer that archaeological exploration of the site wait a few years until we have non-destructive technologies to do the job. I have commented on the Temple Institute and related matters here. And there's much more on non-invasive and non-destructive technologies at this recent post and links.