
Friday, June 20, 2014

From Egypt to Manchester (update) - updated again 23 June

CONFERENCE REMINDER: From Egypt to Manchester: Unravelling the John Rylands Papyrus Collection (via ETC). As noted back in January, this one is at the same time and in the same city as the British New Testament Conference. I'm pretty sure I've heard that there is a joint session on the Friday afternoon, but I don't see that announced yet at either site. If an organizer can clarify, please drop me a note.

UPDATE (23 June): Probably everyone who needs to see this has seen it, but Paul Middleton, Secretary to the British New Testament Society, sent out the following information on the Society's list on Friday:
A further reminder that the early bird registration rate ends on the 30th June, so if you plan to take advantage of the cheaper rate, please book now.

Those attending the conference may be interested to learn that a conference on the John Rylands Papyrus Collection will also take place in Manchester. BNTC conference delegates are invited to attend this conference on the free afternoon (Friday 5th, 2-4pm), and the organisers have kindly scheduled sessions that may be of particular interest to us. The full programme is here:

Attendance at the session is free, but the organisers have asked, but because of space restrictions, booking through the link on the webpage is essential.