
Monday, January 19, 2015

Kotker, The Inner Sea

NEW(ISH) NOVEL: The Inner Sea: A Novel of the Year 100 by Zane Kotker.
Kotker returns this September with The Inner Sea: A Novel of the Year 100. A globalizing Rome has taken nations and tribes by force, and the loss of national and tribal identity leaves people adrift in an indifferent empire. To whom does one belong? An aging widow sends her former slave across the sea to fetch her granddaughter. A silver merchant dispatches his son on a trading journey around the Mediterranean, where Jews and Christians are pulling apart from each other. The Jews find themselves without their centralizing Temple and the Christians without their Son of God. Fatalists trust to the stars; Stoics and Epicureans to themselves. The two young people cross paths, bringing down the worlds of their parents and ultimately testing the wisdom of the man whom Rome calls Son of God-the emperor, Trajan.
Recommended on Facebook by Bob Kraft, who reports that he gave some feedback to an early draft.