
Monday, September 28, 2015

Super blood moon photos

SUKKOT SUPER-BLOOD-MOON-TETRAD FINALE: Blood moon: Your stunning photographs of the lunar eclipse over the North East. People across the region were tempted from their beds by a rare celestial event combining a lunar eclipse and a supermoon in early hours of Monday (BARBARA HODGSON, Chronicle Live). Lots of good photos. Also in The Guardian: Super moon and lunar eclipse combine for 'blood moon' – pictures from around the world (Jonny Weeks).

As the latter headline hints, a "super moon" is a full moon while at the moon's closest point to the earth and a "blood moon" happens during a lunar eclipse. Both happened together last night, which coincided with the beginning of Sukkot. This is a fairly rare coincidence, but not so rare as to be an apocalyptic one.

I last saw the full moon last night at about 11:00, when it was just starting to go bloody. And I woke up and went out again at 4:45 am in time to see a remaining crescent from the eclipse. None of my photos came out as well as the ones linked to above, so I won't post any here.

Background here and links.