Justine Bayley, Ian Freestone, Caroline Jackson (ed.), Glass of the Roman World. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2015. Pp. xxvi, 204. ISBN 9781782977742. $70.00.This was published before the recent discovery of the ancient glass kilns in the Valley of Akko near Mount Carmel, but the book does deal with ancient glass from the Land of Israel and it should provide useful background to the discovery. Another ancient glass exhibition was noted in yesterday's post here.
Reviewed by Thomas J. Derrick, University of Leicester (tjd14@le.ac.uk)
The volume reviewed is a Festschrift offered to Prof. Jennifer Price, an esteemed and respected scholar who has worked on glass from many regions of the Roman world and beyond (both temporally and geographically). In concordance with Prof. Price’s own wide-ranging publication history (listed xi-xxvi), the 18 contributions are on diverse and engaging topics. They are arranged in to three sections: 1. Technology and Production, 2. Vessels and their Forms, 3. Other Uses of Glass. Some papers present new material which adds to existing corpora, and others take more general approaches. The contributions are discussed in turn below, largely in the order they appear in the volume.
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Review of Bayley, Freestone, Jackson (eds.), Glass of the Roman World