
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Loiseau, L'influence de l'arameen sur les traducteurs de la LXX ...

L'influence de l'arameen sur les traducteurs de la LXX principalement sur les traducteurs grecs posterieurs, ainsi que sur les scribes de la Vorlage de la LXX
Anne-Francoise Loiseau

ISBN 9781628371567
Status Available
Price: $45.95
Binding Paperback
Publication Date October 2016
Pages 282

Further your understanding of the methods and peculiarities of the ancient Greek translators and revisers of the Hebrew Bible

Loiseau presents examples of Greek translations of verses from the Hebrew Bible that clearly illustrate the influence of Aramaic or Late Hebrew on the semantics of the Septuagint translators. The author postulates that the Greek translators based their translations on Hebrew-Aramaic equivalents maintained as lists or even on proto-targumim such as those found at Qumran, both predecessors of the later Aramaic targumic translations. Loiseau’s examples provide convincing explanations for different coincidences occurring between the Greek translations and the interpretative traditions found in the targumim and help elucidate a number of puzzling translations where two Aramaic words that are very similar graphically or phonetically were erroneously interchanged.


• Unique insight into ancient Jewish exegesis
• English summary
• The first extensive illustration of the influence of the Aramaic or Late Hebrew on the Septuagint
Follow the link for more details and ordering information.

Cross-file under Aramaic Watch.