
Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Berlin & Kosmin (eds.), The Middle Maccabees (SBL)

The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom

Andrea M. Berlin, Paul J. Kosmin, editors

ISBN 9781628373059
Volume ABS 28
Status Available
Publication DateMarch 2021



Hardback $93.00

A focused, interdisciplinary examination of a tumultuous, history-making era

The Middle Maccabees lays out the charged, complicated beginnings of the independent Jewish state founded in the second century BCE. Contributors offer focused analyses of the archaeological, epigraphic, numismatic, and textual evidence, framed within a wider world of conflicts between the Ptolemies of Egypt, the Seleucids of Syria, and the Romans. The result is a holistic view of the Hasmonean rise to power that acknowledges broader political developments, evolving social responses, and the particularities of local history. Contributors include Uzi ‘Ad, Donald T. Ariel, Andrea M. Berlin, Efrat Bocher, Altay Coşkun, Benedikt Eckhardt, Gerald Finkielsztejn, Christelle Fischer-Bovet, Yuval Gadot, Erich Gruen, Sylvie Honigman, Jutta Jokiranta, Paul J. Kosmin, Uzi Leibner, Catharine Lorber, Duncan E. MacRae, Dvir Raviv, Helena Roth, Débora Sandhaus, Yiftah Shalev, Nitsan Shalom, Danny Syon, Yehiel Zelinger, and Ayala Zilberstein.


  • Up-to-date, generously illustrated essays analyzing the relevant archaeological remains
  • A revised understanding of how local and imperial histories overlapped and intersected
  • New analysis of the book of 1 Maccabees as a tool of Hasmonean strategic interest

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