
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Liturgical or ritualized psalms in the Hodayot?

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: The Ritualization of Psalms in the Dead Sea Scroll 1QHodayotᵃ (Thanksgiving Psalms from Qumran) (Michael B. Johnson).
... One of the chief hurdles in the consideration of the psalms found in 1QHᵃ as compositions that may have been read aloud in communal settings is the use of the term “liturgical” to characterize such settings and texts. In this essay, I will explore an alternative way of conceptualizing the arrangement of psalms in 1QHᵃ, which I hope will advance the discussion of its function or at least unburden it to some extent.
This essay also provides a good summary of the history of scholarship on the Hodayot.

This is the second in an AJR forum on Prayer in Jewish Antiquity. I noted the first here.

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