
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Kirk, Agur’s Wisdom and the Coherence of Proverbs 30 (SBL)

Agur’s Wisdom and the Coherence of Proverbs 30
Alexander T. Kirk

ISBN 9781628375657
Volume AIL 50
Status Available
Publication Date May 2024v Paperback $50.00
eBook $50.00
Hardback $70.00

In this first in-depth study of Proverbs 30, the Words of Agur, Alexander T. Kirk examines a puzzling text attributed to an unknown figure that has long fascinated scholars. While this material has been read as everything from a devout confession to a cry of despair, few interpreters have found any real coherence in the chapter. In this detailed philological study engaging both genre and tone, Kirk demonstrates that the chapter is best read as a coherent collection that mocks pride and greed while it commends humility and contentment. Kirk draws out many subtle literary features that augment Agur’s message, including humor and animal imagery. Ultimately, Proverbs 30 deepens the presentation of wisdom in the book of Proverbs by orienting it toward a proper relationship with God.

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