
Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jeal (ed.), Exploring Sublime Rhetoric in Biblical Literature (SBL)

Exploring Sublime Rhetoric in Biblical Literature
Roy R. Jeal, editor

ISBN 9781628375626
Volume ESEC 28
Status Available
Publication Date March 2024
Paperback $43.00
eBook $43.00
Hardback $63.00

In scholarly study of the New Testament and early Christian rhetoric, one key element is often overlooked: the sublime. To address this omission, contributors to this volume explore how the awe-inspiring, dislocating, and sometimes horrifying language that characterizes sublime rhetoric exerts cognitive, emotional, and physiological force on its audiences, transporting them to new realities as they go along. The essays lay a foundation for scholars and students to identify and interpretsublime rhetoric in biblical literature. Contributors include Murray J. Evans, Alan P. R. Gregory, Christopher T. Holmes, Roy R. Jeal, Harry O. Maier, Erika Mae Olbricht, Thomas H. Olbricht†, Vernon K. Robbins, and Jonathan Thiessen.

Includes a chapter on 1 Enoch.

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