
Friday, June 07, 2024

Review of Balch, Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement: studies in class, ethnicity, gender, and orientation.
David L. Balch, Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement: studies in class, ethnicity, gender, and orientation. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2023. Pp. 382. ISBN 9781532659577.

Review by
Harry O. Maier, Vancouver School of Theology.

This volume is a collection of eleven essays, most of which were published in edited volumes or journals between 2016 and 2023. David Balch, 80 at the time of publication and a prolific contributor to New Testament studies, calls this his “final collection of essays” (xi). The book’s extensive title encapsulates the volume’s broad range. The theme that unites them is a focus on a political and social reading of biblical and early Christian texts. ...

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