
Monday, June 24, 2024

Tri-partite temples at Tell Tayinat in Turkey

HOLY LAND PHOTOS' BLOG: Tell Tayinat and the Judean Temple — Design and Placing the Treaty/Covenant Document in the Holy of Holies (Carl Rasmussen).
I wanted to visit Tell Tayinat because it was an important center during the Early Bronze Age and during the Iron II Period. It is especially interesting because of two tripartite temples that seem to have affinities with the Tabernacle and Solomonic Temple as described in the Bible. In addition, a bit-hilani palace was discovered here—similar in design to Solomon’s Palace in Jerusalem and a palace found at Megiddo (in Israel). In addition, numerous reliefs, statues, cuneiform tablets, etc. have come to light during the excavations! Tell Tayinat may have been Kunula, the capital of the Neo-Hittite Kingdom of Patina (ca. 950–725 B.C.).

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