
Monday, July 22, 2024

Another review of Strange, Excavating the Land of Jesus

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: Review: Excavating the Land of Jesus.
Excavating the Land of Jesus
How Archaeologists Study the People of the Gospels
By James Riley Strange
(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2023), 192 pp., 29 b/w figs., 2 maps; $29.99 (hardcover and eBook)

Reviewed by Matthew J. Grey

... In short, this book helps its reader understand how archaeologists think and work, particularly when dealing with such significant historical or religious texts as the Gospels.

Although other volumes have recently provided updates on specific aspects of this topic—such as surveys of newly excavated sites or studies of Galilean daily life—Strange’s book focuses on the process of archaeological research itself. ...

Earlier PaleoJudaica posts on the book are here and here.

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