
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Geljon & Runia, Philo of Alexandria, On Cultivation (SBL)

Philo of Alexandria, On Cultivation: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary

Albert C. Geljon, David T. Runia

ISBN 9781628373707
Volume 4
Status Available
Price $65.00
Publication Date May 2024

Now Available in Paperback

This fourth volume of the Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, originally published by Brill in hardcover, presents the first readable, modern English translation and commentary on Philo’s De agricultura (On Cultivation), which gives an elaborate allegorical interpretation of Genesis 9:20. Noah’s role as a cultivator is analyzed in terms of the ethical and spiritual quest of the soul making progress toward its goal. Albert C. Geljon and David T. Runia focus on the treatise’s structure, biblical sources, and exegetical and philosophical contents. The volume provides valuable insights into Philo’s highly influential allegorical method of biblical interpretation.

As the blurb indicates, this volume was published previously in hardback. But this is the first time I have noted it.

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