
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

PaleoJudaica page views

PALEOJUDAICA had over 150,000 page views in June of 2024. That's not quite a record. August of 2023 had 182,000. The last year has been the busiest since its inception, with nearly 1.2 million views.

Some of those are bots, sure. But lots are real.

I don't know how many views we've had since the blog began in March of 2003. But there have been almost 8.4 million in the last 14 years.

I really enjoy running this blog. And I appreciate you taking the time to look at it.

Thanks again to you regular readers, who keep coming back. And welcome to you newcomers. It's good to see you all.

UPDATE (3 July): The last 30 days have just surpassed the previous record, with 183,000 and counting views.

Visit PaleoJudaica daily for the latest news on ancient Judaism and the biblical world.