
Monday, July 01, 2024

Persistence pays off for Targum on toast

THE GENIZA FRAGMENTS BLOG: Targum on Toast (Marc Michaels).
My colleague, Estara Arrant posted an image on social media of one of the nine fragments that constitutes T-S K22.16, jokingly remarking that the streaky brown mess resembled a slice of toast.

As one might expect the catalogue entry on these fragments is short. Very short. It consists of one word - ‘illegible’. This of course piqued my interest. What was the ‘toast’ hiding? Also, I love a challenge. Thus, the day after the 2024 Ullendorff lecture, Estara brought the manuscript into the Genizah Unit and we set to work to solve the puzzle.


They did manage to identify the document, but there is plenty of work left to do on it - someday when the technology is better.

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