
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Meanwhile, in Neolithic Turkey ...

SOMEWHAT OFF TOPIC for PaleoJudaica, but I have mentioned the Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe before, so I may as well follow that up. It and Çatalhöyük in Turkey preserve remarkable material evidence for high culture, including religious culture, in the Neolithic era. Two recent stories:

A 10,000 Year Old Stone Calendar? (At Göbekli Tepe; Carl Rasmussen, HolyLandPhotos' Blog).

Çatalhöyük Mural: The Earliest Representation of a Volcanic Eruption? 9,000-year-old painting thought to depict an eruption at Hasan Dağ (Noah Wiener , Bible History Daily)

I can't guarantee the credibility of either. My expertise lies elsewhere. But peer-reviewed research underlies both. I blog, you decide.

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