
Thursday, August 08, 2024

National Lottery grant for the Egyptian Exploration Society

OXYRHYNCHUS WATCH: National Lottery grant boosts plan to exhibit Oxyrhynchus Papyri in London (Ian Mansfield, IanVisits).
The London-based Egypt Exploration Society has been awarded a grant that could see a redevelopment of their headquarters and the internationally significant Oxyrhynchus Papyri displayed in London for the first time. ...

They are planning to submit a bid for a full National Lottery delivery grant, which will secure up to two-thirds of the project’s cost. Ahead of that, the National Lottery Heritage Fund has granted them an initial £61,321 which will go towards the cost of producing the full bid documents. ...

Congratulations to the EES on the initial grant and good luck with the full grant application.

I am glad the EES is benefitting from it ... but don't play the lottery.

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