
Friday, August 02, 2024

Review of Dugan, The apocalypse of the birds

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: The apocalypse of the birds: 1 Enoch and the Jewish revolt against Rome.
Elena L. Dugan, The apocalypse of the birds: 1 Enoch and the Jewish revolt against Rome. Edinburgh studies in religion in antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023. Pp. 280. ISBN 9781399508650.

Review by Tony Keddie, University of Texas at Austin.

... Dugan’s book focuses on the Animal Apocalypse (1 Enoch 85–90). Based on material analysis of manuscripts from Qumran and literary and other considerations, Dugan argues that the Animal Apocalypse comprises two subsidiary works, neither of which likely emerged from the Maccabean Revolt as per scholarly consensus. The later of these, dubbed the Apocalypse of the Birds, is absent from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Internal and external factors lead her to propose a new provenance: the First Jewish Revolt against Rome. ...

I noted a thematically related essay by Dugan here.

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