
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The latest on Jewish-Temple denial

TEMPLE MOUNT WATCH: ‘A Jewish myth': In Arab world, many still refuse to accept existence of the two Temples - analysis. ‘Temple denial’ is a known practice amongst those who seek to deny any historical presence for Jews in Israel, leading to a denial of Israel’s right to exist (Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post).
On the backdrop of the political, religious, and diplomatic prospects, Tisha B'Av also catalyzes a well-established practice across the pro-Palestinian world, nicknamed “Temple denial.” This practice provides anti-Zionist voices with a platform to deny the indigeneity of the Jewish people to Israel, negating empirical historical facts, all in an attempt to strip Israel of its right to exist.
PaleoJudaica has been covering this problem for a long time.

I actually found this article a little encouraging. It notes some recent acknowledgement of the existence of the two Judean Temples. Perhaps all the push-back, including ours, has had some effect.

I discussed the issue in detail a few years ago here, with many links.

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