
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Video on the Temple Mount Sifting Project

TEMPLE MOUNT WATCH: Unearthing Truth: The Temple Mount Sifting Project's Sacred Mission (All Israel News).
Journey to the heart of Jerusalem's sacred history with the Temple Mount Sifting Project. Hosted by Kayla Prague, this All Israel feature uncovers the remarkable story of how ancient artifacts from the holiest site in Judaism are being rescued and studied. Witness how archaeologists and volunteers from around the world are piecing together biblical history, one handful of soil at a time. From First Temple-era treasures to Herodian architecture, discover the fascinating finds that connect us to the spiritual legacy of the Temple Mount. Join us as we explore this unique endeavor that bridges faith, science, and heritage, revealing the enduring significance of this holy site for both Jews and Christians alike. Don't miss this inspiring look at how modern dedication is preserving ancient truths.
Follow the link for a link to the YouTube video.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project Blog, to which PaleoJudaica often links, is here.

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