
Thursday, September 05, 2024

Review panel on Miroshnikov (ed.) Parabiblica Coptica

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: AJR Forum | Parabiblica Coptica.
On Thursday, March 14 2024, a review panel dedicated to the new volume edited by Dr. Ivan Miroshnikov (Uppsala), Parabiblica Coptica, was organized by Dr. Alexei Somov at the University of Regensburg (Germany). AJR is thrilled to feature the responses of Dr. Samuel Cook and Dr. Jacob Lollar along with the response of Dr. Miroshnikov in this three-part series.

Miroshnikov, Ivan, editor. Parabiblica Coptica. Parabiblica 3. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023. V–241 pages. €119.

This section proceeds with a summary of the contents of the volume and links to the two other essays posted so far:

The Possibilities and Limits of "Parabiblical" Literature (Samuel Cook)

Parabiblica Coptica and the Study of Apocrypha: Some observations from a scholar of Syriac ‘Parabiblica’ (Jacob Lollar)

I noted the publication of the book here. Cross-file under Coptic Watch and New Testament Apocrypha Watch.

UPDATE (10 September): For the editor's response, see here.

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