
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Why not plow with an ox and a donkey?

DR. ELAINE GOODFRIEND: Do Not Plow an Ox with a Donkey—Reasons, Metaphors, and Sexual Undertones. (
Is the prohibition about animal compassion, keeping species separate, or does it hold symbolic and metaphorical meanings? Beyond its surface, the law against “plowing” with an ox and a donkey also conveys a double entendre.
What an interesting essay. A few thoughts.

I would go with Philo's and Paul's interpretation to find the basic meaning. They both were part of the ancient agricultural society where the law originated.

I don't understand the interpretation that says the law was to prevent the two animals from mating. What? The ox wasn't going to mate with anyone. And no one would use an intact bull to plow. Too dangerous.

I'm skeptical of allegorical or double-entendre interpretations, but I have no objection to them.

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