
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Ancient Epistemologies (Mohr Siebeck, open access)

NEW BOOK FROM MOHR SIEBECK: Ancient Epistemologies. Edited by Jan Dietrich, Annette Schellenberg-Lagler and Thomas Wagner. 2024. X, 318 pages. Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA) 58. €139.00 including VAT. cloth available 978-3-16-163866-4. Also Available As: eBook PDF Open Access CC BY-SA 4.0.

Reflection on knowledge is often assumed to have emerged with Greek philosophy. Earlier and contemporary modes of thinking in the ancient Near East, including ancient Israel, are assumed to be archaic and often left out of the picture. Against this view, the contributors of this volume aim to reconstruct the ancient epistemologies, the »paradigms«, »discourses«, and »episteme«, that developed in the ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean region and formed the conditions for developing more distinct forms of cultural and scientific knowledge. In doing this, they include the search for second order thinking as part of ancient epistemologies: the capability to think about thinking, to adopt a theoretical attitude that involves the ability to reflect and self-reflect, to criticize and transcend the given, and to anticipate new realms by thinking outside the box. The ancient Near Eastern cultures were not characterized by a 'lukewarm mind' but they were capable, in their own cultural-specific ways, of unfolding epistemologies that included forms of second order thinking that may well be termed 'early philosophy'.

NOTE: I have just posted and then promptly deleted a post on an ancient zodiac coin. I realized the article was from 2022 and I had already noted the story here.

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