
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Review of Briquel Chatonnet & Debie, The Syriac World

BIBLE HISTORY DAILY: Review: The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity.
The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity
By Françoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debié, trans. by Jeffrey Haines
(New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 2023), 304 pp., 68 b/w figs., 11 maps; $35 (hardcover and eBook)

Reviewed by Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent

... The Syriac tradition, whose literary heritage is almost exclusively Christian, has gained more attention in the Anglophone world in the past three decades due to increased scholarly focus. Despite this growing recognition of the Syriac tradition in academic circles, a comprehensive book was missing—until now.

I noted the publication of the French original here and the English translation here. Cross-file under Syriac Watch.

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