
Saturday, November 26, 2005

ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE, David Meadows, coiner of the term "bibliobloggers," has a few things to say about it. I'm pretty busy right now, but I may get around to posting more on the subject.

UPDATE: A summary of the discussion and some very sane thoughts by Mark Goodacre.

UPDATE: I don't read Dutch, but this post seems to indicate that there is a substantial Dutch Biblioblogosphere about which I know next to nothing. And there's also Anders Aschim's Norwegian Blix Blog. If you have a biblioblog in a language other than English, drop me a note so I can make a list. Remember, I use "bibliobloggers" to mean "bloggers who have a primary or at least a significant focus on academic Biblical Studies."

Also, I have been updating my SBL CARG-Biblioblogging-Session Roundup post.

UPDATE (27 November): Ed Cook e-mails:
My Dutch isn't so hot, but "het informatielandschap van bibliotheek en
mediatheek" seems to refer to library and information science. My
guess is that the biblioblog you refer to is more about books than
bibles. (But I'm not sure.)

Thanks for the correction. This other use of "biblioblog" and potential confusion arising from it were also mentioned in the CARG session. Aschim's blog, however, does deal with biblical matters.

Also, Mark Goodacre responds to Paul Nikkel here.

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