
Monday, November 21, 2005

TEL ZAYIT (ZEITAH) INSCRIPTION SESSION REPORT (part three): BRUCE ZUCKERMAN. (Bruce and Marilyn, the Thunderbirds of Northwest Semitic epigraphy, flew to Jerusalem on very short notice for four days to photograph this inscription.)

Zuckerman noted that each shot has to be taken from two to five different angles in order to catch the light just right so as to make the scratches stand out. They take (larger) "reference shots" and also many shots of details. The photos are taken both in color and in black and white, since different things stand out with each. They are still working on the production of the images, so the current understanding of the inscription remains tentative.

Part one is here and part two here. To be continued, although this is my third trip through the cyber center today and the staffers are starting to ask me what chapter I'm on.

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