
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

McGrath on Enoch Seminar 2020, Days 1-2 (Updated!)

RELIGION PROF: Enoch Seminar 2020 Day 1: Is Evil the Grandmother of Theology? James McGrath has posted a thorough summary of the first full day of Enoch Seminar 2020.

Background here and links. [Link now corrected!]


The video of the summary discussion of Day 1 (Monday), which happened on the morning of Day 2 (Tuesday, yesterday) is available on Facebook.

The Twitter hashtag for Enoch Seminar 2020 is #OriginsOfEvil2020.

Also, Professor McGrath has posted his very thorough summary of Day 2: Enoch Seminar 2020 #OriginsOfEvil2020 Day 2.

And the summary discussion of Day 2 is happening now. It can be viewed on a Facebook livestream, which will remain as a video recording.

Today is Day 3 of Enoch Seminar 2020.

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