
Friday, May 17, 2024

Nongbri on recent Coptic codicological matters

OVER AT THE VARIANT READINGS BLOG, Brent Nongbri has a couple of technical posts on the codicology of two Coptic biblical manuscripts:

The Crosby-Schøyen Codex, the Length of kollēmata, and Dates of Codices.

The main takeaway is that the length of the individual papyrus sheets (the kollēmata) in the Crosby-Schøyen Codex may be evidence that it was written no earlier than the fourth century CE. That would fit with the likeliest range of C-14 dating. For more on this codex, which goes up for auction next month, see here and here.

Hugo Ibscher and the Cover of the Berlin Akhmimic Proverbs Codex

For me as a non-codicologist, the most interesting takeaway from Brent's posts on this codex (another was noted here) is the fact that we have a late-antique manuscript of an Akhmimic translation of Proverbs. It's good to know these things.

Cross-file under Coptic Watch.

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