
Friday, May 17, 2024

Review of Lafontaine, Hellénisme et prophétie. Les Oracles sibyllins juifs et chrétiens

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Hellénisme et prophétie. Les Oracles sibyllins juifs et chrétiens.
Xavier Lafontaine, Hellénisme et prophétie. Les Oracles sibyllins juifs et chrétiens. Semitica & classica supplementa, 4. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023. Pp. 368. ISBN 9782503607962.

Review by
Oliver Parkes, King’s College, Cambridge.

... Lafontaine’s new monograph is the first recent book to treat the whole corpus, and aims to contribute to these wider discussions. Despite the book’s general title, he focuses on the Oracles’ re-writing of scripture, paying particular attention to how this re-writing interweaves ‘allusions’ to Greek literature. Whilst Lafontaine’s ambitious scope should be commended, along with some of his more focused discussions, the monograph is flawed both methodologically and on matters of detail.


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