
Friday, May 17, 2024

Salemi, A Linguistic-Theological Exegesis of Ezekiel as Môphēt (Brill)

A Linguistic-Theological Exegesis of Ezekiel as Môphēt

“I have made you a sign” (Ezekiel 12:6)

Series: Studia Semitica Neerlandica, Volume: 76

Author: Stefano Salemi

Delve into Ezekiel’s tumultuous world, discovering his role as YHWH’s מוֹפֵת, a unique ‘sign’, among many others, and a divine communicator. Does the Exile’s trauma find an ‘ameliorating’ perspective through Ezekiel’s symbolic actions and identity? From temple absence to YHWH’s ‘glory’ departure, from loss and prohibited grief to intermittent mutism, is Ezekiel a response to a communication crisis between YHWH and Israel? Uncover how מוֹפֵת’s elusive meaning sheds light on Ezekiel’s role as an ‘embodiment’ of YHWH’s presence, a bridge in YHWH’s intricate relationship with Israel. Through meticulous exegesis and linguistic-theological analysis, you will experience afresh Ezekiel’s narrative and theology.

Copyright Year: 2024
E-Book (PDF)
Availability: Published
ISBN: 978-90-04-69122-3
Publication: 25 Mar 2024 EUR €95.00

Availability: Published
ISBN: 978-90-04-69102-5
Publication: 26 Mar 2024
EUR €95.00

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