
Friday, July 05, 2024

They are about to raise the Mazzarón II

PHOENICIAN WATCH: Phoenician ship to be extracted from Mazzaron Seabed. The wreck will be extracted from the bottom of the sea in 22 sections starting from September (Mucia Today).

This project has been in the works for a few years, but it sounds as though they are actually going to do it in a couple of months. I hope so.

For more on the Phoenician shipwreck Mazzarón II and the project to raise and conserve it, see here and links.

There is also another Phoenicial shipwreck of comparable age (the "Mazzarón I"), which has been restored and is on display in the nearby town of Cartagena. See the link in the previous paragraph for more on it.

Note the variable spellings Mazarrón (Mazarron) and Mazzarón (Mazzaron).

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