Friday, August 29, 2008

A GREEK STUDY DAY at Cambridge University:
7th Annual Greek Study Day, 15th September 2008
Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge

Bookings now being taken! The Greek Study Day is aimed at those teaching New Testament Greek in universities and colleges. It provides an opportunity to hear about different methods and textbooks, to share experiences and to develop new ideas and approaches for teaching. To attend, please complete the form below

and send to:

Jane McLarty
Lucy Cavendish College
Cambridge CB3 0BU

PLEASE NOTE: a formatted electronic version is available for download under 'files' at

Modern approaches to teaching Ancient Languages
Seventh study day for teachers of Greek for students of Theology and Religious Studies
Monday 15th September 2008, 10.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Lucy Cavendish College
With the support of the Philosophical & Religious Studies subject centres of the Higher Education Academy, and the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, we enclose the programme and details of a study day at Lucy Cavendish College.

What kind of day?
This will be a practical day with presentations and discussions aimed both at those teaching beginners and also those teaching intermediate students. It is the seventh such day, and the previous days have been highly valued by participants.
We will have a presentation from an experienced teacher of modern languages; from a member of the ‘Reading Greek’ team; and from a colleague on how clause analysis can help students approach the language.
We are also looking forward to a visit to Trinity College’s Wren Library to view holdings of interest to New Testament scholars.

What will happen?
We encourage those attending to bring examples of materials, handouts or ideas they have successfully used with students to share with others, especially those which relate to the topics of the presentations. We are keen to draw out ‘good practice’ ideas to improve the learning experience of all of our students. Please tell us on the booking form what you will bring.

How do I book?
The cost for the day, to include coffee, a buffet lunch, and a cup of tea is £20.00. Payment should be sent with your booking. Cheques should be payable to Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, which is handling the booking arrangements (see contact below). Booking forms should be sent to: Jane McLarty at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge (details on the booking form) as soon as possible since places are limited. You can post, fax or email it (but in the latter two cases you will need to post your cheque separately). The final date for receipt of bookings for the study day is Monday 8th September 2008.

This year we are meeting at the Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge; for directions please go to

If you have any questions about the day, please contact one of the organising team:
Dr Steve Walton (London School of Theology; tel: 01923 456326; email:
Ms Jane McLarty (Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge)
tel: 01223 332197; fax 01223 764435; email:
Mr Geoffrey Williams (Spurgeon’s College, London)
tel: 01992 581339; email:

For the attention of Jane McLarty (Admissions Tutor. Lucy Cavendish
College, Lady Margaret Road, Cambridge CB3 0BU; tel: 01223 332197; fax
01223 764435; email:
Modern approaches to teaching ancient languages
A study day for teachers of Greek
at Lucy Cavendish College, Monday 15th September 2008
I shall come to this study day and enclose a cheque for £20.00 payable
to Lucy Cavendish College
 Please tick here if you require a receipt
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address for contact:

Telephone: ____________________________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________
Main Greek teaching interests:
I will bring with me the following examples of resources, handouts or ideas which I have used successfully with students:
Please tell us below if you have particular dietary needs (e.g. vegetarian)

Modern approaches to teaching Ancient Languages
Seventh study day for teachers of Greek
Monday 15th September 2008
10.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge
Time What Who
1030 Arrival and coffee
1045 Welcome
1100 Reading Greek and adult beginners Janet Watson
1200 Learning from modern language teaching Tina Hodgett
An experienced secondary school teacher of inflected languages; now in the Anglican ministry
1300 Lunch
1330 Parsing’s Purpose David Palmer
1430 Visit to the Wren Library Dr Jonathan Smith Trinity College
1600 Coffee and depart
From the British New Testament Society e-mail list.