Tuesday, October 02, 2018

More on Beit Lehi

ARCHAEOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY WATCH: Secrets of a lost village of ancient Israel come to light. Technology such as LiDAR and a drone-mounted 4K camera have led to significant finds among layers of settlement spanning about 2,600 years (Abigail Klein Leichman, Israel21c.org).
A vanished village, buried for centuries under the sands of time, is beginning to emerge in the cave-dotted lowlands southwest of Jerusalem. In typical old-new Israeli fashion, the work of revealing Beit Lehi-Beit Loya mixes painstaking manual labor with cutting-edge technology.

Project leaders are now putting their fascinating discoveries on view to the public online in 3D, enlivened by virtual reality.

This article and the associated YouTube video give a good overview of the discoveries at the site. I noted an earlier article on it here.

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